If you have a job in this economy. I am truly so happy for you!
I have always had a job, and I do not intend to sound like an asshole when I say it, but it is true. This said all of my jobs have come through connections from family friends, or relatives.
So, when I finally decided to move away from my hometown to achieve my career goals and dreams, I knew that my sugarcoated jobs were definitely over as well. In a way, I believe that it is a good thing because it also makes me work harder, try new things, and encourages me to be more ambitious.
It has been approximately 3-4 months since I started actively job hunting. I haven't been picky with the job positions since I know that I still want to pursue growing this website on the side. However, I am a few months away from getting my bachelor's degree and applying for jobs that I know are below my expertise and education.
Applying to jobs that I don't particularly even want because the options are technically nonexistent. I scroll through job search websites, hoping to find something that matches my education and desires from one day to another and realizing that the mission seems to be impossible.
I made a promise to myself last year; I will not settle for any crappy job and will look for one that I actually want and, most importantly like. I know what my education is worth, and I intend to honor it. I have way too much student debt to just accept a job with minimum wage again.
Up until now, job hunting has not been successful at all. I have applied to all the possible places I even minimally want and have not heard anything back from most of them... But to end on an even little more positive note, I did get my first interview today, so wish me luck! :)